Shree Radhe Industries (SRI) offer a wide range of isolators / disconnectors which are mechanically operated safety device incorporated for electrical isolation of system. Open position provides safe and desired isolation. Hence, they are widely used in high voltage installations, transmission and distribution layouts for isolation of part or complete electrical system for carrying out maintenance, repairs and similar activities where the system has to be isolated from primary circuit. SRI offers double break centre rotating polymeric/porcelain isolator in voltage range of 11-33kV . SRI Isolators are type tested as per IS/IEC standards at CPRI, ERDA to pass all required primary and supplementary tests.
Rating :
11kV to 36kV
400A, 630A, 800A, 1250A, 1600A, 2000A
Drop out Fuse 11kV -33kV
Shree Radhe Industries (SRI) offers a wide range of polymeric drop out fuses that are manufactured by using high quality raw materials. Our DO fuses are extensively used for protection by preventing faults of power distribution line and the transformer from power disturbance by acting as a secondary backup.
Rating :
11kV to 36kV
100Amp to 200Amp
A B Switch 11kV -33kV
Shree Radhe Industries (SRI) offer a wide range of the two pole & triple pole AB switches. They are gang operated and designed for outdoor application. The switch is designed to suit overhead systems used in high density urban situations or high load centers, where the load is much higher and the need for improved and steady quality supply is much greater. Main function of this product is to isolate the transformer, overhead lines, system or cables from the distribution network.